– Our Mission –

To modernise raffles and competitions by making them easy to host and enter whilst at the same time providing both 100% security as well as complete user transparency.

– About –

Competitions have been around for as long as we can all remember. In that time however, they’ve never developed or evolved with modern technology. Think of Coolcompetitions.uk as the ‘eBay’ of the competition space! Forget paper tickets. Coolcompetitions.uk is the new way to legally host and enter raffles online!

Coolcompetitions.uk is the first platform of its kind that enables users to host raffles whilst at the same time legally enabling them to keep all of the revenue generated from ticket sales. Hosts specify the price per ticket and the number of tickets issued so that the odds for winning each raffle are fixed enabling users to calculate their chances of winning before entering.

All features stem from our core ethos and desire to remain focussed on our mission.

– Charity –

Coolcompetitions.uk can be used to generate revenue for its users and their business; but it can also be used to generate revenue for charities if hosts choose to donate all or part of the proceeds from ticket sales to good causes.

– Why –

Normal raffles and competitions have no upper limits in terms of how many people can enter. That business model benefits the hosts but puts entrants at a disadvantage because the more people that enter, the more profit the hosts make and the less chance of winning the entrants actually have.

We wanted to disrupt that model and make competitions hosted on Coolcompetitions.uk transparent and fair for both hosts and entrants so that everyone’s interests are aligned.